For any x the set x is closed and has empty interior, so is nowhere dense in R. Yet the union of these nowhere dense sets is the entirety of R. So we have written R as the union of countably many nowhere dense sets- hence by the Baire category theorem R is not complete.
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In cool, fresh weather Mrs. Yeobright would have found no inconvenience in walking to Alderworth, but the present torrid attack made the journey a heavy undertaking for a woman past middle age; and at the end of the third mile she wished that she had hired Fairway to drive her a portion at least of the distance. But from the point at which she had arrived it was as easy to reach Clym's house as to get home again.
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In April, however, disaster struck and this time both of my parents were in the hospital and I went back to Michigan. In May, my parents hired a live-in caregiver and I went back home again. (That's not me or Dad shoveling snow in the picture above, but it looks very much like our house last winter
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